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One Belt And One Road brings "three great benefits" to globalization.

Source: network
date: 2016-10-21
浏览次数: 9

In the world economic downturn, inverse undercurrent of globalization, the Chinese President xi jinping held in Lima on the informal meeting of apec leaders delivered an important proposition on economic globalization problems and think that conform to the requirements of the productivity development of economic globalization, conforms to the interests of all parties, is the trend of The Times.

We can't because at that time the difficult to stop, to participate in the process of economic globalization, pay attention to with their respective development practice, pay attention to solve the problem of fair justice, leading to a more inclusive economic globalization pratt & Whitney in the direction of development.

Observers believe that economic globalization will eventually move forward with great momentum, although it will bring problems such as uneven development to some extent. China conforms to the trend of The Times, put forward the "area" initiative, through the factors of production circulation channels around the world, with connectivity and production cooperation to promote balanced, inclusive, and pratt &whitney, globalization has attracted worldwide attention, bring globalization "three benefits"..

Good news 1: crack the globalization dilemma

Over the past 30 years or so, economic globalization has advanced faster and more broadly than expected. Economic globalization brings all kinds of economic elements such as capital, information, resources, products, and other related factors such as transnational flow of personnel, technology, thought, greatly promote the integration of world economy and rapid growth.

In "the supermap," Andrew connor of the brookings institution, a leading global strategist, points out that globalisation is entering a new golden age. In the global village, people's lives and the functioning of the country have become inseparable from globalization, and it is impossible to imagine a return to the old way of isolation and conservatism.

On the other hand, problems arising from economic globalization, such as unbalanced development among countries and increased global financial risks, have also attracted the attention of the international community.

Globalization, for example, encourages competition and efficiency, but also increases the concentration of wealth in a small number of countries or interest groups, widening the gap between the rich and the poor. Vary in the developing countries in the aspect of integrated into the economic globalization, some countries (represented by the brics countries) the emerging economies in the world economic division of labor, but linger for a long time in the middle and lower reaches of the global value chain; Some less developed countries are not included in the global value chain and become "forgotten corners" due to their lack of advantages in science and technology, transportation and other aspects.

2008 years since the outbreak of the international financial crisis, global protectionism, inside gu tend to look up, multilateral trading system, especially the selection from the European Union, trump was elected President of the United States, such as "black swan" event to push the globalization to a crossroads.

Experts believe that only by promoting the global economic recovery and growth, and by addressing the imbalance and inequality of economic growth, can economic globalization move on a sound track. China's "One Belt And One Road" initiative will help resolve the difficulties of economic globalization.

Positive 2: shape healthier globalization

"One Belt And One Road" conforms to the inherent law of international economic development, actively ADAPTS to the new trend of global economic cooperation, and has gained extensive international consensus. The kyrgyz President akayev, points out that "all the way along the" based on mutual benefits for all participants, is a new mode of international relations and world trade, will make globalisation fair and full of human nature.

"If in roads, communication infrastructure such as lack of security, it is difficult to integrate global production activities," One Belt And One Road "can provide disadvantaged groups and the less developed areas into the interface of globalisation. This has been proven on China's path out of poverty, "said huang wei, director of the global governance research office at the world economic and political institute of the Chinese academy of social sciences.

"Americans are selling tanks while the Chinese are supplying excavators," connor wrote on her facebook page.

He noted that the revolution in global connectivity has begun, and that China's silk road economic belt is the largest infrastructure investment initiative in world history. Over the next 40 years, more infrastructure will be built than in the previous 4,000 years combined. The construction of railways, roads, tunnels, power grids and cables will bring greater benefits to all countries.

Three years after the start of One Belt And One Road, a supermap of connectivity between east and west has emerged. From the tajikistanwaya railway in the heart of central Asia to the tayan bridge in Indonesia, which connects southeast Asian islands. From the Hungarian and Serbian railways across the eastern European plains to the Algerian railways across the African continent, the map of global connectivity bears a clear Chinese imprint.

At present, the "One Belt And One Road" construction has attracted more than 100 countries and international organizations to participate in, more than 30 countries with China along the "region" cooperation agreement signed, more than 20 countries with China to carry out international cooperation capacity, represented by investment Banks, the silk road fund financial deepening of cooperation, a number of influential landmark projects gradually fall to the ground.

With the development of emerging economies and the enhancement of China's voice, a new round of globalization will focus on balanced and inclusive development. Driven by the connectivity of infrastructure, new economic growth points have emerged in the economic and trade cooperation and industrial investment between countries along the "One Belt And One Road" line. In 2015, the bilateral trade volume between China and One Belt And One Road participants exceeded us $1 trillion, and the direct investment of Chinese enterprises in countries along the belt and road reached nearly us $15 billion.

The UN believes that the "One Belt And One Road" initiated by China is the most important fulcrum of the UN 2030 agenda for sustainable development and expects China to play a greater role in global development. Ostrovsky pointed out that the deputy director of the Russian academy of sciences institute of the far east, from economic development to promote the fusion in the field of politics, society, "One Belt And One Road" will bring opportunities to the healthy development of economic globalization.

Positive three: reconstructing the global value chain

"Area" initiative, in helping developing countries to promote the construction of infrastructure, through logistics channels at the same time, through capacity cooperation also help them develop textile, home appliances, automobile manufacturing, steel, electricity and other key industrial sectors.

Since the 1990s, China has gained the status of the world's factory in the transfer of the international manufacturing industry. Now it has begun to adjust and upgrade its industry, and to this end it has launched "made in China 2025". Countries along the One Belt And One Road are at different stages of industrialization, and some labor-intensive industries and capital-intensive industries in China are expected to be transferred to One Belt And One Road participating countries.

Experts believe that One Belt And One Road will provide vulnerable groups and underdeveloped regions with the opportunity to join the world economic division of labor. These countries are expected to embark on a new round of globalization, upgrade the level of industrialization and realize economic modernization. The construction of One Belt And One Road will promote the reconstruction of the global value chain through foreign investment and production capacity cooperation, and gradually form a chain of interconnected development and production.

Take the textile industry. China's textile industry is moving to countries such as Bangladesh and tajikistan along the One Belt And One Road line because of rising labor costs and other factors. Bangladesh has become the world's second-largest garment exporter after China, with textile and garment factories open by the Chinese everywhere.

The head of Shanghai Orient international group said that the garment production in Bangladesh had a positive impact on the domestic garment industry. On the one hand, the industrial chain of Bangladesh is not complete, and many high-quality raw materials and textile machinery are basically from China. On the other hand, domestic garment sales companies are also under pressure from rising costs, and the shift of orders to Bangladesh has reduced costs. In addition, setting up a factory in Bangladesh is conducive to the adjustment of the domestic product structure and the transfer of simple processing to this side, so that the country can focus more on product design and research and development.

In tajikistan, "mountain" from China's xinjiang zhongtai group not only teaches the cotton cultivation technology to local farmers, also set up a textile factory, garment production workshop is in the planning. Tajikistan was thus incorporated into the global textile industry chain.

Kyrgyzstan economic experts jana don't peskov said, in the history of the prevalence of maritime trade and unipolar dollar currency settlement system, including kyrgyzstan, many of the Eurasian inland country lost opportunities for development, economic development model of the single. The concept of "One Belt And One Road" makes regional and even global economic development models more diversified, promotes orderly, diversified and healthy economic development, and makes positive contributions to reshaping the globalization of the new era.

Gustavo, director of the research centre of Asia and Argentina of Argentina, said: "China's proposed" all the way along the "initiative of rebuilding the value chain, industry chain and the supply chain, are weaving a three-dimensional network of trade and investment made in the past in the sub-region countries seize the opportunity of development on the edge of the globalization, the explorers of the new era will be unearthed along the new silk road the unprecedented development opportunity."

Modern industrial revolution and the development of the digital economy is pushing the world towards multi-polarization and diversified development, keep pace with the future development of globalization is the inevitable global economic governance system change and improvement. In line with the changing world pattern, One Belt And One Road will not only promote the development of globalization towards balance and inclusiveness, but also promote the progress of global governance mechanism towards a more equitable and reasonable direction.


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