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China's construction industry adds bricks and mortar to the world

Source: network
date: 2017-03-08
浏览次数: 20

In recent years, the pace of "going global" of Chinese construction enterprises has been gradually accelerated, and the brand of "China construction" has been further promoted internationally. Recently, the state council general office issued the opinions about promoting sustained and healthy development of construction industry, made a clear emphasis to speed up the construction enterprises "going out", and puts forward three specific measures, including strengthening the Chinese and foreign standards, improve the ability of foreign contracted and intensify policy support. In this regard, experts point out that it is an inevitable trend for Chinese construction enterprises to "go global". In this background, China's construction industry should fully grasp the participation opportunity, such as construction of "area" constantly improve themselves, strengthen standard and docking, by inside and outside to improve international competitiveness, for the Chinese and global power infrastructure construction and economic development.

And the scale of the industry continues to expand

After more than 30 years of development, the construction capacity of China's construction industry has been continuously strengthened and the industrial scale has continued to expand. According to the national bureau of statistics, by 2016, China's total construction output reached 19.35 trillion yuan. In 2016, the added value of the whole social construction industry reached 4952.2 billion yuan, an increase of 6.6 percent over the previous year. The national total contracting and professional contracting construction enterprises with the level of qualification realized a profit of 674.5 billion yuan, an increase of 4.6%. Among them, 187.9 billion yuan was held by state-owned enterprises, up 6.8 percent.

In addition to the rapid development of the industry itself, vice minister of housing and urban-rural construction Yi Jun pointed out that the construction industry to absorb a large amount of the transfer of rural labor force, more than 1/5 of the total number of rural migrant workers, more than 5000, ten thousand people, and led to more than 50 related industry development, the economic and social development, urban and rural construction and people's livelihood improvement made important contributions.

"Construction is a strong correlation industry, from all walks of life in the process of development will be involved in the construction industry, to a certain extent, therefore, the rapid development of the construction of leading role cannot be ignored. As China's increasing ability of the ability of the construction technology, construction, our investment in fixed assets into output efficiency enhances unceasingly, the output efficiency of economic growth from investment to the role of is very outstanding, it is worth our special attention." Li dawei, a deputy researcher at the national development and reform commission's institute of foreign economic research, said.

The future of the construction industry is still very optimistic. National bureau of statistics survey services center senior statistician Zhao Qinghe said, in February 2017, the construction business activity index was 60.1%, although than fell 1.0% last month, but still to remain high in good range. The market forecast for business activity was 65.8 per cent, up 1.3 percentage points from the previous month, indicating that companies are optimistic about the future market and that construction is expected to continue to grow rapidly.

The phenomenon of "going out" becomes an inevitable trend

With the rapid development of China's construction industry, many enterprises have developed a strong demand for "going global". Shen satellite, deputy director of nantong's urban and rural development bureau, said accelerating the "going global" of enterprises was a new opportunity for the development of nantong's construction industry. Up to now, the construction industry of nantong city has set foot in more than 40 countries and regions in the world, and successfully explored many markets in the United States, Russia, Poland, etc., with an average annual turnover of about 1.5 billion us dollars. By the end of 2017, the turnover of the city's overseas contracting projects will exceed 2 billion us dollars. By 2020, the city's total number of foreign contracting enterprises is expected to exceed 80.

"It is an inevitable trend for Chinese construction companies to 'go out'. On the one hand, a solid foundation provides strong support for enterprises to go out. At present, China's construction industry already has world-leading technology in many fields, and its advantages are obvious, which provides a good condition and basis for enterprises to "go out". Foreign markets, on the other hand, need Chinese construction firms. There are still many countries with low infrastructure levels and it is urgent for high level construction companies to help them build capacity. "Said li.

The personage inside course of study points out, after years of rapid development, China has created a large number of excellent construction enterprise in practice, authoritative academic journal in the field of global engineering construction ENR has "engineering news record" () "the" top 250 international contractors in 2016, 65 mainland Chinese companies on the list, the number to the highest priority. At the same time, the Chinese enterprise executive ability, short construction period, high quality, comprehensive strength, in roads, railways, ports, Bridges, energy, water conservancy and other fields have the world's leading technical level.

In the process of "going global", Chinese construction enterprises have left a shining name card of "China construction" in many countries. On December 12, 2015, the construction of the padma bridge project was undertaken by the China railway bridge bureau and undertaken by the China railway bridge institute for design and survey. The main bridge of the padma bridge across the padma river (Ganges) is the largest infrastructure project in Bangladesh. On July 7, 2016, Morocco's Mohammed vi bridge, the largest cable-stayed bridge in Africa, led by the China railway bridge bureau, was officially opened to traffic. This is the first cable-stayed bridge invested and built by the kingdom of Morocco. It is 951.66 meters long and is called the "bridge of dreams" by locals.

Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup

We will speed up the "going global" and "One Belt And One Road" of Chinese construction companies. Outside the "opinions" put forward, more Chinese standard Chinese version translation and promotional efforts, "area" strategy to lead, priority in foreign investment, technology output and rebuilding project of popularization and application. Give full play to the construction enterprises in China in high-speed rail, road, electricity, ports, high-rise buildings, airports, oil and gas transmission pipeline engineering construction aspects of comparative advantage, targeted, focused and organized foreign contracted projects, to participate in the "area" construction. By 2025, with most of the countries and regions along the "area" memorandum of understanding signed bilateral construction, as well as pursuing incorporated in the relevant content in the bilateral free trade agreement, promote the construction of professional qualifications in the field of international mutual recognition.

In fact, China's construction companies have made remarkable achievements in the construction of One Belt And One Road. , according to data from the ministry of commerce throughout the year, 2016, Chinese companies in the "area" all the way along the country's foreign contracted projects signed new contracts can be $126.03 billion, compared with the same period of China's foreign contracted projects signed new contracts can be 51.6%; The turnover reached us $75.97 billion, accounting for 47.7% of the total amount in the same period.

Development prospects, and related, according to a report in 2015, the countries along the "One Belt And One Road" nominal GDP totaled $23 trillion, accounting for 30% of global GDP, but along the countries with a relatively low level of economic development, the infrastructure level needs to be improved. Financial institute is calculated according to the people's bank of China, 2016-2020, "One Belt And One Road" along the national and regional infrastructure construction fund demand by minimum solution was estimated at $1.3 trillion - $1.9 trillion, broad market space.

"Should see, 'area' for Chinese construction enterprises" going out "all the way there is no doubt that the importance of all the way through participating in the 'neighbourhood' construction, China's construction enterprises can play its technical advantages, and can fully meet the national demand for infrastructure, this is a win-win situation." Li said that in the future, China's construction enterprises continue to exert their own advantages at the same time, also need to strengthen the construction of the linkage mechanism between size enterprises to strengthen cooperation and develop international market actively and orderly, avoid vicious competition. At the same time, for enterprises, the initiative to adapt to the local environment, actively improve local management level.

Standardization still needs to be improved

Expert points out, saw the results at the same time, should also see clearly that the need to improve, China's construction industry is "big but not strong", supervisory system and mechanism is not sound, backward construction organization, building design level needs to improve, quality and safety accidents have occurred more violation behavior, market and enterprise core competitiveness is not strong, such problems as low skill quality outstanding workers, these problems seriously restrict and affect the sustained and healthy development of the construction industry.

Solve the above problem, says Yi Jun must follow four aspects reform train of thought: one is to stick to in order to promote the supply side structural reform as the main line, continuously enhance the level of engineering quality and safety, for the masses to provide high quality, safe, beautiful, green building products; Second, we will continue to deepen the reform of the construction industry's "deregulation service", accelerate the improvement of the system and mechanism, and create a building market environment that meets the needs of the development of the construction industry. Third, based on improving the quality of construction workers, we will promote "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" and foster a contingent of workers in the modern construction industry. Fourth, we should focus on accelerating the upgrading of the construction industry, change the way of construction and enhance the international competitiveness of China's construction industry.

"While integrating and improving the internal system, the standard problems faced by Chinese construction enterprises in the process of 'going global' also need to be solved quickly. At present, the Chinese standard and foreign advanced technology gap is still large, we are still not form a unique, high levels of the standard system, in the construction of energy consumption, smart and lighting standard still need to improve. On the whole, the standard system of China's construction industry is still not fully integrated into the global standard system, which requires more efforts in standards mutual recognition and exchange. "Said li.

In view of the standards, the guideline calls for closer coordination between Chinese and foreign standards. We will actively carry out comparative studies on standards between China and foreign countries, adapt to the international standard content structure, factor indicators and relevant terms, and narrow the technological gap between Chinese and foreign advanced standards. Actively participate in international standards certification, exchanges and other activities, and conduct bilateral cooperation on engineering technology standards. By 2025, all national standards for engineering construction will be in foreign languages. Construction enterprises should intensify their research on international standards and actively adapt themselves to international standards.

Source: People's Daily time :2017-03-08


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